Teen Discord moderators & online communities
Year: 2024
Role: Lead Researcher
Research Methods: In-Depth User Interviews
Deliverables: Justice Collaboratory Research Report, TrustCon 2023 Accepted Talk, Yale University Invited Talk, Academic Paper (In Submission)
Teams: Discord, University of Washington, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)
A set of semi-structured interviews with teen Discord moderators and mentors to understand the benefits and challenges of online communities for adolescent social development and leadership.
Youth social media usage for emotional regulation
Year: 2023
Role: Qualitative Researcher
Research Methods: In-Depth User Interviews, Surveys, Ecological Momentary Assessments (EMA), Diary Study
Teams: University of Washington Information School, Department of Psychology, School of Computer Science & Engineering
A custom, three-part mixed methods study investigating how teenagers use social media to regulate their emotions.